A Sorcerer? A Sadist? No. Just a Cat Trainer.

A sorcerer? A sadist? What are these labels?

These are names that I have been called in comments on Instagram.

Obviously, I’m neither a sorcerer or a sadist. These are labels assigned to me by people who have seen my video of Peach washing her paws in the sink.

People just cannot believe that a cat can do the same things that dogs can. Whether it’s the cultural expectations of cats that stand in the way or generations of people’s preconceived notions on how cats act, most of these ideas are simply myths.

Change would never happen if we didn’t challenge the status quo.

Are cats really aloof or is it because we think they are and therefore don’t pay attention to them. That’s just a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Although it sounds kinda cool, I’m really not that special. I’m not a cat whisperer, I’m a cat listener. I learned cat behavior and body language and do my best to read what the cat is ‘saying’ based on how they communicate. I’m also not a sorcerer. I simply understand how to apply behavior modification techniques through operant and classical conditioning, and mainly use the positive reinforcement quadrant to teach cats.


I was accused of withholding meals from my cats and only giving them treats to survive so they have to work for me.

Let me make something very clear. I do not withhold meals from my cats to train. Never have, never will. That is simply unethical. My cats each get three full meals a day according to the package instructions based on their weight and activity level.

They are motivated because they find doing tricks rewarding. They like it! After all, we are talking about cats, not robots. If they don’t want to train at that moment, they walk away... and I respect that! There’s really not a way I can force them to work with me. They generally aren’t on a leash, so there’s nothing forcing them to stay there.


In fact, if we look at the common problem behaviors in cats, some of the most common issues are caused by stress, frustration, and boredom. These behaviors decrease when we understand the underlying factors. Many times it is lack of stimulation.

So whether it’s training, play, or enrichment, the cat deserves much more attention than guardians generally give them.

What I find appalling is the idea that someone thinks I am trying to harm the cat by training them. The entire mission of Space Cat Academy is to make cats more comfortable and confident in their home, the vet, and any other adventures that they take.


Training serves as an excellent way to encourage your cats to use their brain to solve a problem. In this case, it can be as simple as touching their nose to your finger or as complex as a behavior chain such as washing their paws in the sink and turning it off. This is based on the natural behaviors of cats. They problem-solve to survive in the "wild." Cats use these skills to locate, hunt, and catch their prey. Generally, in Western culture, cats hunting for prey is considered gross or unethical. 

However, cats still have these instincts, so as cat guardians we need to provide our cats with activities that satisfy their exercise and problem-solving needs. We offer our cats enrichment opportunities such as find it games, watching birds, leash walks, and training to keep them busy. 

Bonding with your cat 

Training serves as a great way to bond with your cat. Working together towards a goal will connect you and your cat in a positive way. They will gain confidence in you as their guardian and potentially their surroundings. The best part is that it doesn't matter what age you start! Any cat is capable of learning with reward-based methods and patience!

So whenever anyone assigns labels to you, let it propel you further to go against the grain and do what you know is beneficial for your cat!